Download Snsd Themes For Android

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Warning: Starting with version 3.3, Theme Editor is no longer included with Android Studio.

Android Studio includes a visual assistant called Theme Editor that helps you:

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  • Create and modifythemes for your app.
  • Adjust themes for different resource classifiers.
  • Visualize the effect of color changes on common UI elements.

This page introduces the fundamental tasks that you can perform with the ThemeEditor, and explains how to do so.

Theme Editor basics

This section describes how to access the Theme Editor, and how it is laid out.

Accessing the Theme Editor

There are two ways to open the Theme Editor:

  • From an open styles XML file, such as styles.xml, clickOpen editor near the top-right of the file window.
  • From the Tools menu, choose Theme Editor.

Navigating the Theme Editor

The Theme Editor's main screen is divided into two sections. The left side of the editorshows what specific UI elements, such as the app bar or a raised button, look likewhen you apply the current theme to them. The right side of the editor displaysthe name of the current theme being previewed, the module where the theme is defined,and the settings for theme resources, such as Theme parent andcolorPrimary. You can modify design themes by changing these resourcesettings.

Themes and colors

The Theme Editor allows you to create new themes, modify existing ones, and manage thecolors that make up the themes.

Creating new themes

To create a theme, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Theme dropdown menu near the top of the rightside of the Theme Editor.
  2. Click Create New Theme.
  3. In the New Theme dialog, enter a name for the new theme.
  4. In the Parent theme name list, click on the parent from which the theme inherits initial resources.

Renaming themes

Download Snsd Themes For Android

To rename a theme, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Theme dropdown menu near the top of the rightside of the Theme Editor.
  2. Click Rename theme-name.
  3. In the Rename dialog, enter a new name for the theme.
  4. (optional) To see how the changes will look, click Preview.
  5. To apply the changes, click Refactor.

Changing color resources

To change an existing color resource, such as colorPrimary,follow these steps:

  1. In the Theme Editor, click the colored square next to the name of the resource you want to change. The Resources dialog appears, which displays a list of color groups on the left side, and settings and information for the currently selected resource color on the right.
  2. Set a color for the theme resource by either selecting a color from the left panel, or by defining a new color, as described below.

Select a color

The colors are listed in the left column of the Resources dialog and arranged into the following groups.

  • Project: These are colors inside your project. Some can be edited because they are part of your project sources, and some cannot be edited because they are part of the libraries you have included in your project.
  • android: These are color resources that belong to the android namespace. They are part of the Android framework and cannot be edited.
  • Theme Attributes: These are attributes of the currently selected theme. They are referenced by the theme and can change depending on what theme you have selected. Theme attributes are never editable from inside the Resources dialog.

Define a new color

  1. From the drop-down menu in the top-right of the Resources dialog, click Add new resource > New color Value. The Resources dialog displays an editable right pane with a blank Name field so you can enter a name for your custom color.
  2. Create the custom color as follows. The steps correspond to the callouts in figure 1.
    1. Type a name for your new color value in the empty Name field. No spaces or special characters allowed in the name. Underscores and numbers are okay.
    2. Color scale, Custom color field, and dropper:
      • On the color scale, click the color you want. The color displays in the Custom color field.
      • You can use the dropper to the left of the Custom color field to select a color. Click the dropper , and then click something visible anywhere on your computer screen. The color in the Custom color field changes to the color you selected.
    3. Just below the Custom color field, use the editable fields and drop-down menu on the left to specify an RGB, HSB, or ARGB color by numeric values. The HEX equivalent of your color displays in the editable field to the far right.
    4. To set the color opacity and hue, move the sliders below the color scale.
    5. Select one of the available predefined color squares. The color displays in the Custom Color field and the name changes to the name of the color you selected.
  3. Click OK to save your settings. The Resources dialog closes and returns you to the Theme Editor.

Modify a color

You can modify any editable color. If a color is editable, you see editable color, hue, opacity, name field, and device configuration fields. See Select Color if you want to know why some fields are editable and others are not.

  1. Adjust the settings.
  2. Click OK.

Match material color

If you have defined or modified a custom project color, you canensure that the color matches the closest material palette color by clicking CLOSEST MATERIALCOLOR, located next to Custom color. Android Studio changes the color and opacity valuesof the color you picked to the material color most like it, and replaces Custom color withthe name of the color from the material palette.

Note: The CLOSEST MATERIAL COLOR feature is visible only when the color is not already a material color.

Viewing state lists and colors

The Theme Editor allows you to previewcolors associated with different states. To do so, open the Resources dialog byclicking on the color set square next to the name of an editable state list resource. TheResources dialog displays a list of states, such as Selected, and thecolor value associated with the state. Click the color for a state to choose a differentcolor value.

To more fully control the states themselves, you can directly view and edit theirproperties in the XML file that defines them. For more information, see thedocumentation for theColorStateList class.

Device-specific configurations

When a color is editable, you can choosedevice-specific configurations for your app to support. Performthe following steps to do so:

  1. Open the Resources dialog. For information about how to open the Resources dialog, see Changing color resources.
  2. Select a Project color, and then in the bottom of the right pane, click to expand Device Configuration, revealingthe source set and name of the XML file containing theresource, and a list of configuration-specific directories in which toplace that file.
  3. If necessary, change the XML file name.
  4. Check the boxes next to the directories corresponding to thedevice-specific configurations you wish to support. Any configurationfor which you do not specify a directory defaults to using thevalues directory.

For more information about the relationshipbetween directory names and configurations, seeSupporting Multiple Screens. For more information aboutsupported directory names, seeProviding Resources.

  • Android Basics
  • Android - User Interface
  • Android Advanced Concepts
  • Android Useful Examples
  • Android Useful Resources
  • Selected Reading

A style resource defines the format and look for a UI. A style can be applied to an individual View (from within a layout file) or to an entire Activity or application (from within the manifest file).

Defining Styles

A style is defined in an XML resource that is separate from the XML that specifies the layout. This XML file resides under res/values/ directory of your project and will have <resources> as the root node which is mandatory for the style file. The name of the XML file is arbitrary, but it must use the .xml extension.

You can define multiple styles per file using <style> tag but each style will have its name that uniquely identifies the style. Android style attributes are set using <item> tag as shown below −

The value for the <item> can be a keyword string, a hex color, a reference to another resource type, or other value depending on the style property.

Using Styles

Once your style is defined, you can use it in your XML Layout file using style attribute as follows −

To understand the concept related to Android Style, you can check Style Demo Example.

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Style Inheritance

Android supports style Inheritance in very much similar way as cascading style sheet in web design. You can use this to inherit properties from an existing style and then define only the properties that you want to change or add.

Download Snsd Themes For Android

To implement a custom theme create or edit MyAndroidApp/res/values/themes.xml and add the following −

In your AndroidManifest.xml apply the theme to the activities you want to style −

Your new theme will be applied to your activity, and text is now bright red.

Applying Colors to Theme Attributes

Your color resource can then be applied to some theme attributes, such as the window background and the primary text color, by adding <item> elements to your custom theme. These attributes are defined in your styles.xml file. For example, to apply the custom color to the window background, add the following two <item> elements to your custom theme, defined in MyAndroidApp/res/values/styles.xml file −

Using a Custom Nine-Patch With Buttons

A nine-patch drawable is a special kind of image which can be scaled in width and height while maintaining its visual integrity. Nine-patches are the most common way to specify the appearance of Android buttons, though any drawable type can be used. Kitkat os for android free download for laptop.

a Sample of Nine-Patch button

Steps to create Nine-Patch Buttons

  • Save this bitmap as /res/drawable/my_nine_patch.9.png
  • Define a new style
  • Apply the new button style to the buttonStyle attribute of your custom theme

Define a new Style

Apply the theme

Android Themes

Hope you understood the concept of Style, so now let's try to understand what is a Theme. A theme is nothing but an Android style applied to an entire Activity or application, rather than an individual View.

Thus, when a style is applied as a theme, every View in the Activity or application will apply each style property that it supports. For example, you can apply the same CustomFontStyle style as a theme for an Activity and then all text inside that Activity will have green monospace font.

To set a theme for all the activities of your application, open the AndroidManifest.xml file and edit the <application> tag to include the android:theme attribute with the style name. For example −

But if you want a theme applied to just one Activity in your application, then add the android:theme attribute to the <activity> tag only. For example −

There are number of default themes defined by Android which you can use directly or inherit them using parent attribute as follows −

Themes For Android

To understand the concept related to Android Theme, you can check Theme Demo Example.

Styling the colour palette

The layout design can implementable based on them based colours, for example as following design is designed based on them colour(blue)

Above layout has designed based on style.xml file,Which has placed at res/values/

Default Styles & Themes

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The Android platform provides a large collection of styles and themes that you can use in your applications. You can find a reference of all available styles in the class. To use the styles listed here, replace all underscores in the style name with a period. For example, you can apply the Theme_NoTitleBar theme with '@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar'. You can see the following source code for Android styles and themes −